Andy Wells

My Client Had Wild Sexcapades in Columbia!


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Speaker 1:

gorgeous ladies and amazing men. And here I caught up with pal who was one of my old coaching class from about a year and a half ago. He finished his coaching and we talked sort of about what he's been up to. He shed a bunch of like crazy stories about some Sex in columbia and different countries that he's been to. But if you're not familiar with power story, he had sex with ten women in his twelve weeks of coaching. He opened up a lot. He became a lot more honest. We helped him make a ton of strong friendships like in the coaching group, and he's then gone on to continue that in a discord group. We have like a private discord group that is only for members only, only for coaching clients only. So, yeah, there's just a great catch up. Had a lot of fun talking to him again.

Speaker 1:

I really sometimes miss Some of my old coaching clients and I will jump into the discord from time to time and see what they're up to and stuff. But it's nice to be able to actually sit down with someone and just chat with them and sort of shoot the shit and see what they've been up to. So while I've got your attention, I also have an eighteen week deal right now for my coaching. So if you sign up in the next ten days and pay in full, you will get eighteen weeks instead of the usual twelve, so you can come and change your life, just like power and so many others did. There's a link to that in the description. Hello bro, let's just like start with these crazy dating stories of columbia. I wanna know what it's like your experience, because I've dated like asian girls that maybe don't speak english that well. I wanna know what the hell is like going to columbia and interacting with Spanish speakers when maybe you're not a spanish speaker yourself. How does that even work?

Speaker 2:

Yeah. So luckily I do speak some Spanish. I'm, but I will say my, my Spanish improved so much being there, simply because nobody speaks english, right? So for context, I've been to Spain for a few months before. I've been to Mexico for like five months before, and during those times I I slowly picked up some Spanish, right enough to have some conversation. So let's say, like I would say, seventy five percent of dates I went on work only in Spanish because there was no other option, right? And so what was? What was the exact question? Like, how is it like dating there?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, what's it like dating, I guess in columbia, but especially if you know you're in a language that maybe isn't your native first language.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so basically what you have to do. So I do think it's good to just have a little bit of a basic, otherwise it's gonna be really difficult and then you're gonna sit there only with google translate, which I've seen guys do, and the. It has happened like I was actually meeting up with another guy who used to be in the coaching and he was doing that. It was sitting there with google translate and like talking back and forth. There's even an option where you just speak into the phone and then you like pass it to the girl and back and forth. But basically what it does is that it amplifies all the other stuff that is not verbal, right? Yeah, because I have to yeah, exactly.

Speaker 2:

so what I do is I just? I just chat basics. You can like dumb down your humor. You know it's like point that things are you like? I don't fucking tickle her, like whatever it is, I'm putting her boobs and give thumbs up.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, stuff like that didn't do that one, but the windows, they probably would have left it. So that's, that's basically what you do just dumb down your humor, you know, keep the eye, contact, the tension, and then you just use simple language. Right, they're also gonna use simple language to you and you're gonna say a lot like, a lot of like slower, and then she's not slow and then you, like, look at her, like, and they, they can like, see the, there are girls, so they react to this kind of thing but it's almost like without the conversation.

Speaker 1:

You have to like pull down into the physical stuff, like touching her, holding her hands, making like little physical jokes rather than like high brow, top level conversation. It almost takes some of the pressure off.

Speaker 2:

To be a good conversation list, you have to be yeah, they, like girls, don't actually give a shit I didn't really care that much about what you say to them, especially in that time like they just want to see that, okay, you're pretty at ease with yourself, like you don't mind looking stupid, right, if you say something wrong, like you don't give a shit.

Speaker 2:

That's, yeah, that's, I think, actually a big thing. If we just like quickly segue to like language learning, like if you, if you really care about what people think you're saying, or like if you really care about like oh no, I'm not grammatically correct well then it's gonna be really fucking difficult to talk to anyone like. But if you just like think, like this is funny, like, oh, look at me, I'm like a kind of clumsy with the language, but you know, I'm totally okay with that, then the girl's gonna be okay with that too. But if you're like, oh, this is like. Oh, I feel embarrassed, I said something wrong, and you sit there like, then the girl's gonna be like, hey, he feels wrong, like maybe she's just gonna feel whatever you're feeling, right, but if you can be completely cool with it, then she's gonna be completely cool with it too.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, in other words, give yourself permission to suck and don't stress that much about it, just have fun.

Speaker 1:

I think that also takes that's you essentially taking the pressure off yourself to be perfect with conversation and you're instead of because I think a lot of guys say, like their goal when they go on a date is I have to do a perfect job of this and I have to say the right thing and all of my language has to be perfect and you know, grammatically correct and all that sort of shit but when you're speaking or you go to a different country where you don't speak the language, because you know what you're saying isn't gonna be very good because you don't speak the language, you get out of your own head and you go okay, maybe the goal is just to have fun and you're just there to entertain yourself and maybe to entertain her as well.

Speaker 1:

A little bit, it takes all that fucking pressure off and you just get to the actual thing that you're there for, which is well, we're here to have fun, we're here to have sex and, again, I have been on some of these dates with, like Asian girls and I just find it actually easier than a regular date because it's like, well, I don't even have to worry about the conversation, it's like one less thing to worry about. So, yeah, if you can get out of your head and not stress about it and instead just say conversation is gonna suck, let's try some other stuff.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it ends up being pretty fun yeah, and I also have a tip for the if you're in the opposite situation like it sounds like you were where you have to speak English to the girl, maybe, but she doesn't get English, but you're not gonna try to speak in Chinese, right, correct? Yeah, yeah, then one one thing that I often see like native English speakers do is they just keep their same language. They're like oh, let me just like God the same way.

Speaker 1:

It's like you have to make it really dumb and use different words. You have to try and say the most basic way of saying it.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, exactly in my experience. A lot of the time native English speakers don't get that if they only speak one language right, because they just think like oh, but she's learned English, so English that means like all the language, like no, but that's. That's not how language learning works. Like you have to. You have to dumb things down. It's like exactly what you said.

Speaker 1:

Say it in the most basic way and with physical, like lots of pointing, like you pretty, like stuff like that, and she's like what's pretty, you nice, and she's like what that me, you, together, and then she's like, oh, you want hold hands, and you're like, yes, and then you put it see, have to be very physical as well. I found like you have to literally try and show what you're trying to say yeah, exactly.

Speaker 2:

Fuck, I forgot the point I was gonna make now, but doesn't matter. Like that's just a tip for for Native English speakers, because I see it all the time like I I'm pretty good at English, but at this point, but sometimes I speak with With native English speakers and I'm like what does that mean? And because they use some like slang from their hometown, like three hours out of Birmingham, and I don't fucking know like right and like I don't know how to what that means bro.

Speaker 1:

Right, and then they just repeat it again. They say it again, the exact same thing, and you're like I don't know what that means.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I actually have Two funny stories about that. When I was in in Mexico so also Spanish-speaking country I was dating this girl and then by her out for for dinner with, like some of my friends. So there was me, two Belden guys and one British guy, but we're all just chatting right and then afterwards she was like Like I don't know, she spoke English. She was like I don't know what that guy was saying about the British guy. Like she understood all the non-native speakers but she did not understand what the fuck the British guy was saying. And it's the same here actually. Now I'm dating a girl, also Asian, speak Chinese, but her English is good. Like we talk in English but she doesn't understand what the fuck Ravi is saying. It's so funny. I've told him to. I've told him the same thing. Like you have to talk to her, like in a Dumb down way yeah like I don't dumb down anything, basically.

Speaker 2:

Or my dude like a little bit her English is good, but he just speaks in a way that she doesn't get it.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and often it's like speaking too quickly and all that sort of stuff. On a slightly different topic, I want to hear some of these crazy stories that you've told me about before we went on air. You told me about, like gold diggers. You told me about getting pickpocketed, like with. This is with women that you're trying to date in Columbia. So tell us some of these crazy stories.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so the pickpocketing was actually not a girl, that was just like a dude on the street. But I can get into the girl stuff first and then maybe, depending on where we want to go with it, we can get into the other stuff. But basically, like there are different things you have to navigate when you're in Colombia, right, like an imagine yeah when, when you're anywhere else, it's the girl who's thinking about like safety, right.

Speaker 2:

when you're in Colombia, it's the guy thinking about safety, right, you don't, at least in some places. Like before I went, my friends were sending me all these like YouTube videos with the. There are basically these girls who go on Tinder and then they find the gringos, so all the white guys, and then they go on dates with them and then they drug them and then the guy wakes up and like his apartment is completely empty and he doesn't remember what happened because it's like drug, like scopolamine or scopolamine, I don't know in English people, yeah. So so there's like precautions, like you don't invite a girl directly to your place without meeting her, for example, like never do that, and we used to Share our location, you know, like okay, I'm going here with the girl, like here, like the live location on WhatsApp, yeah, and then we would like check in on each other, right, yeah, yeah, just just gotta take the precautions.

Speaker 1:

It really is like being a woman. Every woman is listening and she's like, yeah, but this is what I do. I do the number of women that have like, before they come back to my place, they're like do you just mind if I text my friend and I'm like, yeah, yeah, do it, do it, do it. So yeah, it's, it's literally a road reversal.

Speaker 2:

Yeah. So that's, that's something interesting to navigate, and I would say I Mean, I don't want to scare people away from Columbia, because this is a fucking amazing place. So, like no one, people like you can also Make it sound like way too scary. The girls are amazing. What, once you meet them, it's, they're, they're great people.

Speaker 2:

Colombian people are amazing, but you do have to take some extra precautions because of how things work there and they're like cartels and shit. Like, just you know, don't be stupid. Just, uh, you know, stay safe and don't be one of those people that like, oh yeah. So the last thing I remember is I got into a taxi and I took a shot with the taxi driver at 6 am. Oh, I don't know like what happened. Just you know, don't, don't get fucking drunk on the dates.

Speaker 2:

Like, just Like, take it easy and take simple precautions that will help you. Like that, right. So that's one thing you have to navigate, right. Then the second thing is there's gonna be a lot of girls who are working girls or prostitutes that are on the apps, right? So you have to also be able to screen those out. So, for example, if they say they're gonna give you a really good massage before you meet them, then that's a prostitute, right, most likely. So I mean, depending on what you want, don't go for that. Yeah, so there are just like different challenges that you have to navigate there and you have to, you know, be a little bit more Careful, basically, I feel like it's gonna be like that for a lot of different countries, right, like I've heard in.

Speaker 1:

You know, if you go to Africa, for instance, it's like there's so much STD safety that you need to think about. You know, in different parts of Asia you need to think about ladyboys and shit like that, depending on what you're into.

Speaker 2:

You also have to think about that in Colombia.

Speaker 1:

Do they really? Do they have a ladyboy population?

Speaker 2:

I mean, it's not a I wouldn't say ladyboy, but there's a lot of trainees. Basically, I did not know that. I did not know that, like I almost went on a date with a few, but then I realized oh, it's not that you got to check first brother.

Speaker 1:

You got to like say can I just can, I just feel you got to get in there, that's how you do it.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, don't ask them beforehand, like, but they're usually tells and if you're in doubt, just ask your boys, like hey, what do you think about this one? Yep, yeah.

Speaker 1:

Yeah where did you tell me that there was some interesting story where you had like Met a girl five years after your first approach. There was that in Colombia, or was that somewhere else? I was actually later.

Speaker 2:

Okay, please tell me that story, okay so About five years ago I Was in. I was visiting Turkey. It's not really, it's not. There's nothing crazy in the story other than the timeline I Was, I visited Turkey. I approached a pretty girl in the street. We went on you couple dates at that time and we made it back to my place, but for she was a virgin and then in the end we didn't end up having sex, which was fine, and then we just kept talking a little bit, but I basically didn't talk to her for like four or five, like a long time, Right, and then I left the country. Then I came back and I thought like, oh yeah, that was that girl and I just hit her up and we met again and we did end up having sex, but it was just like a really long timeline.

Speaker 1:

And yeah, that was really interesting. I remember you after that long.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, right, right. But I think it probably also something like I think I was her first sexual experience, because she was just 18 at that point. Now she's obviously also quite a bit younger, so I think she just always had it in her mind or something like that. Sure, but yeah, it is kind of crazy, like first she was like oh wait, now I remember you, and then we just chatted a bit more and then we ended up meeting on a date again. It kind of ended up as me with it.

Speaker 1:

Sorry, you go.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, sorry. Yeah, it's interesting because I know I changed a lot. I didn't find she changed that much, but her English was better now, stuff like that. And it's like how I felt on the dates. It was definitely different Because back then I kind of had no idea what the fuck to do and I was really clumsy with everything, at least compared to how I feel now. So it was kind of cool to go out with the same girl later and feel like the difference.

Speaker 1:

And also in how I just feel.

Speaker 2:

I don't think she noticed that much difference, or she might. I didn't actually ask her. I should ask her.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it kind of reminds me a little bit what you're talking about here of like going away and then coming back many years later, reminds me a lot of Caleb Jones' content.

Speaker 1:

He's someone that, for anyone who doesn't know Caleb Jones, he's someone that very much likes to meet up with people, like months or years after he stops seeing them. He kind of keeps them like on the books, so to speak, and I believe he's got like 10 or 15 different countries where he has like a couple of friends with benefits in each of these countries, and anytime he goes back, even if it's been like three or so years, he'll just get his little book out and be like, okay, hey, what are you doing? And he'll reach out to these people, go on a couple of dates or go on a date or two and then boom straight back into it. It isn't something that I've done myself obviously I don't do a lot of traveling but yeah, it's fascinating to me that people still sort of like remember each other after all that time. You obviously left a decent impression on her the first time and she left a decent impression on you.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that's what I was going to say. I think, okay, it's going to sound a bit rough maybe, but I think most guys are. They seem like pretty normal, Like they don't like a lot of guys don't have something really interesting about them, like when you talk to girls, so it's not that hard to stand out. Is my point? Not that those guys suck or whatever, like I don't want to say that, but I want to say my definition most people are average, Like that's how statistics works.

Speaker 2:

Exactly so if you can stand out with something like I know there's a lot of things that stand out out about me Like I don't talk the way most average people talk, like I have goals, I have things I'm doing. I'm like probably topics that girls might not hear all the time and where they might just go out with the guy and the guy is drinking and getting drunk. I don't actually know. But that's one thing I actually always ask during dates Like what's like the weirdest, most awkward date you had and then you that's my favorite question to ask girls Yep, yep, yep.

Speaker 2:

Do you want to share any?

Speaker 1:

of those interesting stories Like what's the weirdest story that any girl has ever said? Because I got one that's just going to win. My story is going to win, but like I want to hear your best story.

Speaker 2:

Now I'm trying to think of the like. Most of the stuff is like pretty basic. Oh, the guy was so boring and he did this, did that, yeah 100%.

Speaker 1:

It's usually like so, just like average, that it's not even exciting to talk about. It's just like we went on a date for three hours and he just made small talk and I felt nothing and that was it. That's like most people's dates. And those guys are doing their best, but yeah, it's average.

Speaker 2:

So I'll tell you like the typical story that I actually got quite a few times. It's like so I was on a date with a girl in Colombia actually Spanish girls, I don't know what that means in English, but she was, let's just say, like she was making a good living, like she was, she had a successful business, right, and she actually used to live here in Budapest, where I also live. So we're talking about that and it was like, yeah, so what's like the weirdest shit the guy did? And then she's like, yeah, so I went out on a date with this guy and we're having like a good time, blah, blah, blah.

Speaker 2:

And then Then we'll go to a restaurant and stuff, and at the end it's like time to see who pays. And she's like, oh, yeah, I can pay my part. And he's like no, no, no, no, I'll pay. And she's like no, no, no, I'll do it, don't worry about it. Like really, she's like insisting to pay, but he's like, no, no, no, I will definitely pay it, don't worry. Okay. So she lets him pay, and then they go out on a date later, or I don't remember. They don't go out, but she decides she doesn't want to meet him again at some point. And then he's like, okay, but can you just send me like 10 euros for the dinner? And I'm like, oh my God, this is like this, like mentality of, like you're buying the girl Right.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I think that is like. You know, she's like a slot machine and if I put money in then I get to pull the lever and, you know, sex will come out, and I don't think.

Speaker 2:

I don't think it's like machine.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that was a terrible pun. I don't think they're like literally thinking about it logically. I think in their mind they're just like but every movie and TV has told me that if I'm a nice guy, then that's how you get girls, and so it can become a bit transactional. Yeah for sure. Yeah, hey again. Guys, I hope you enjoyed that interview and I forgot to say this at the start of the interview.

Speaker 1:

But power's a little nervous to come on camera, because the first time he and I did an interview you know a year and a half ago, when his coaching first ended he was anonymous, so he still had his name there, but he didn't show his face, and so big props to him. I sort of take it for granted, because I'm on camera all the damn time, that some people are a little nervous or a little shy or maybe not completely comfortable putting their face on the internet along with hey, here's my face, and I've had a lot of sex recently. I understand that not everyone's super comfortable with that. So this was something that he sort of pushed himself to do and we had a conversation beforehand and he said I think I really want to show my face and I'm really scared to do it, but I want to do it. So massive props to him for that. Again, I know it's not always super easy for everybody, so I respect the shit out of that.

Speaker 1:

So while I've also got you here, like I said, now is the right time If you would like to change your life, like power did, I have the 18 week coaching deal just for the next 10 days. So if you sign up and pay in full, you will get 18 weeks instead of the usual 12, you know, link down below, click that. I'll call. I'll talk through. You know he's coaching right for you. What do you want to get out of the program? What are your goals? How can we help? And all of that. We'll add you to the program, we'll get started and we will kick some ass. You deserve an awesome life. Let me let Cam, let Ed, let Taylor and everybody else in the program help you with that. So click that link below and let's fucking go.

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