Andy Wells
I'm Andy - I went from depressed & suicidal to living a live of abundance & joy. If I can do it, you sure as hell can too.
I went from depressed, suicidal, obese & alone to a beautiful, loving relationship with my girlfriend Immy, regularly having 3somes together with girls we meet, making 5-figures a month from my coaching, helping other men and women live a life that's true to themselves, & living my own abundant & peaceful life I'm incredibly grateful for. Best of all, this community - you guys and gals - have come to feel like my family. Life is amazing, and I'm here to help you follow in my footsteps.
648 episodes
I'm doing FREE COACHING livestreams/hangouts right now!
Youtube channel:
What Are You Optimising For? (First Principles)
In other words, you're asking yourself: "What do I actually want?"
Her Reaction is NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS (Just Play the Numbers Game!)
There's always more you can do.
Hi there. You're doing great.
You're doing far, far better than you think you are. I'm proud of you.
Your Goals Will Never Be Completed. You'll Die Before You Get There.
(I promise this episode is positive - just hear me out!)
Stop Waiting for 'Chemistry' - BE DIRECT
Honesty and being upfront is such a cheatcode when it comes to dating (and business, and everything else!)