Andy Wells
I'm Andy - I went from depressed & suicidal to living a live of abundance & joy. If I can do it, you sure as hell can too.
I went from depressed, suicidal, obese & alone to a beautiful, loving relationship with my girlfriend Immy, regularly having 3somes together with girls we meet, making 5-figures a month from my coaching, helping other men and women live a life that's true to themselves, & living my own abundant & peaceful life I'm incredibly grateful for. Best of all, this community - you guys and gals - have come to feel like my family. Life is amazing, and I'm here to help you follow in my footsteps.
Andy Wells
How to Stop Being NEEDY & be OUTCOME INDEPENDENT. (+ my own past neediness w you guys)
Yeah, I've been very needy with you in a lot of different ways.
00:00 Intro
01:01 Why you might be needy
11:34 How I (Andy) am needy with my audience (you guys!)
13:13 I needed you to like me
30:07 I needed you to think I'm smart/wise
39:02 I needed people to think I'm a kind/good person
43:37 I needed people to subscribe/engage with the channel
44:22 I needed people to watch my videos
45:25 I needed money from you
51:40 I needed you to take action & change your life
55:19 How to overcome neediness
59:14 Taylor being a really chill dude
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😊 Here's EVERYTHING I learned going from depressed & suicidal to living a life of abundance & joy. It's all yours for only $1: https://playtowinmindset.com
▬ COACHING ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬
🏆 OUR COACHING PROGRAM (Payment plans are available! Book a FREE call with Andy to discuss if you're a good fit for the program) - https://kyil-extra.com/coaching
🤵 1-on-1 coaching call with Andy ($200 - limited to 1 per person): https://kyil-extra.com/calls
▬ YouTube ▬▬▬▬▬
▶️ My YouTube (with additional content not released on here): https://www.youtube.com/@Andy_Wells