Andy Wells

Women Hate when Men are UPFRONT About SEX: TRUE or FALSE?

Andy Wells

Watch the full episode on YouTube:

00:00 Intro
02:01 A lot of women LOVE honesty & vulnerability
06:43 Women also want sex
08:30 Being direct saves you both time
09:12 Rejection is better than regret
10:28 Women are adults, they're not fragile
13:13 Most women dislike CRUDENESS, not directness
15:07 You're allowed to flirt when being direct
16:47 Ask what she wants too
18:46 Practice over text
20:05 Honesty gets you what you want, faster
21:16 Fear of judgement
24:59 You'll like yourself more if you're direct
25:55 Societal programming encourages lying
27:56 Get clear about what you WANT
29:25 Want more help? (Coaching)

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